56 Freda St Ashmore, Gold Coast, Queensland

Early Education Matters

Web Admin • April 22, 2020

A child’s participation in an early childhood education program assists in the development of children’s skills and abilities. Can you believe that 85% of brain development occurs during the first five years of a child’s life? It is also the development of secure relationships with responsive adults that can actually help shape a baby’s brain circuitry.

Access to quality early childhood education is important. A child’s participation in an organised early childhood education program assists in the development of their cognitive abilities, and also helps with enhancing social and emotional skills while interacting with their peers. When children receive high-quality interactions during these early learning years with a parent or carer it provides a foundation of social skills including emotional and physical health, literacy and numeracy that will continue into adulthood.

There is a shared responsibility among parents, the community, services and governments, to ensure access to early learning for more children. It’s in the interests of families, early childhood services and community groups to support children to attend Early Childhood education, to assist with their preparation and transition to school and to optimise engagement in organised learning environments.

Research strongly supports the benefits of enrolling children for 600 hours in the year before school so they arrive at school ready to participate in ongoing learning. Early childhood education helps children by:

  • creating a life-long passion for learning
  • helping them develop social skills
  • encouraging the development of fine motor and sensory skills
  • fostering language development and vocabulary
  • priming children to be creative
  • equipping them to cope with problem solving.

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Parents are encouraged to strengthen their child’s educational journey by learning more about why enrolling them in an early childhood education program is important for future learning. The Cottage is one of the smallest occupancy Childcare Centres in Ashmore, so we guarantee your child will get the fullest care possible. To learn about our holistic approach to learning please contact us here.

July 21, 2020
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